
Blackrock microsystems Blackrock microsystems
Blackrock Microsystems Europe develops, manufactures and sells electrodes, electronics, software and surgical tools for use in the fields of: · Neuroscience · Neural Engineering · Neuroprosthetics Our systems are the foundation for new generations of implants that can treat a variety of neurologically related diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. These include, for example, the first fully implantable electrophysiological Cereplex I sensor system as well as neural implants that are inserted in patients in certain areas of the brain. They can replace faulty brain or nervous system functions and correct dysfunctions.
ATLAS Neuroengineering ATLAS Neuroengineering
ATLAS Neuroengineering is becoming the standard for silicon-based in-vivo electrophysiology. With our cleanroom facility at IMTEK, Germany and imec, Leuven, we define the state-of-the-art for in-vivo electrophysiology. Our innovative electronic depth control (EDC) probes allow high?density electrode recordings without the need to mechanically reposition the electrodes over time. In addition we also produce passive silicon multi electrode arrays for free behavioral experiments in rodents and non?human primates. ATLASneuro also fabricates passive probes ranging from linear single shaft probes, combs as well as 3D-arrays up to 256 channels. ATLAS Neuroengineering has a lot of experience in silicon-based probe design and fabrication; flex technology as well as headstage- and data acquisition technology and histology.
g.Tec g.Tec
g.tec was founded in 1999 by Christoph Guger and Günter Edlinger as a spin-off from the Graz University of Technology. The company is a growing enterprise with two branches in Austria (Graz and Schiedlberg), one branch in Spain (Barcelona), one branch in the US (Albany, New York) and distribution partners all over the world. All hardware and software development is done in-house by our team of researchers, engineers and developers. Further g.tec is also an active member in a number of national and international research projects and is active in scientific publishing. Brain surgery is a therapeutic option for many patients with intractable seizure disorders and brain tumors. The goals of surgery are twofold – on the one hand the epileptogenic tissue or tumor has to be removed, but on the other hand essential brain regions like primary motor and sensory cortex as well as brain areas supporting language and memory functions have to be spared to avoid neurological deficits caused by the operation. g.tec developed a system called cortiQ (www.cortiQ.eu), which is used for fast functional mapping of the cortex using the electrocorticogram (ECoG) to identify areas in the brain. Using that data, the system constructs and continuously updates a Mental Activity Profile (MAP) in real time. This MAP is unique for each patient, reflecting which brain areas are active during specific tasks. cortiQ is an additional method to electro cortical stimulation or fMRI. It can provide extra input for the attending physician to confirm/consolidate existing results about the eloquent cortex.
Multi Channel Systems focuses on the development of precise scientific measuring instrumentation in the field of electrophysiology for research groups at universities and for the pharmaceutical industry.
Plexon Plexon
Plexon is a pioneer and leading innovator of custom, high performance data acquisition, behavior and analysis solutions specifically designed for scientific research. We collaborate with and supply thousands of customers including the most prestigious neuroscience laboratories around the globe driving new frontiers in areas including basic science, brain-machine interfaces (BMI), neurodegenerative diseases, addictive behaviors and neuroprosthetics. Plexon offers integrated solutions for in vivo neurophysiology, optogenetics and behavioral research -- backed by its industry-leading commitment to quality and customer support. www.plexon.com.
Ripple Ripple
Ripple provides high performance neurophysiology data acquisition systems for neuromuscular recording and simultaneous stimulation. Our systems are compact, portable, and heavily optimized for real-time, closed-loop control applications with up to 512 channels of multielectrode, EMG, LFP, and EEG data. Our software is cross platform, and can be run on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
DIXImedical DIXImedical
DIXI is a French manufacturer of intracranial electrodes ; we develop, design and manufacture different kind of electrodes for more than 35 years, working with the main centers in France, Europe and around the world. We also develop new electrodes in close relationship with the neurosurgeons and neurologists.
Neuralynx Neuralynx
In over 500 research labs worldwide, Neuralynx provides The Complete Solution for electrophysiology research with powerful high-density, low noise, intuitive data acquisition systems with custom integration features and devices. At the forefront of Neuralynx’s product development philosophy is the commitment to provide our customers with customizable hardware and software for specific experiment and lab environments, while advancing technologies in anticipation of future research trends – including Neuralynx’s wireless multi-subject digital 64 channel acquisition system, Cube-64.
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