Conference Program
Wednesday, January 6th, 2016
3:15 pm Bus departure to Autrans from Grenoble Gare Routière (cf map) 4:15 pm Arrival of participants / room check-in / poster installation 5:30 -7:00 pm Welcome cocktail / Posters / Exhibits 7:00 -8:30 pm Dinner
8:30-10:30 pm - SESSION 1: Multichannel technologies: From materials to systems
8:30 pm Patrick Ruther (IMTEK, Freiburg, Germany) Trends in Silicon-based Neural Probe Arrays Used in Electrophysiology and Optogenetics 9:00 pm George Malliaras (ENSME, Aix-en-Provence, France) Interfacing with the Brain using Organic Electronics 9:30 pm Timothée Lévi (IMS, Talence, France) Digital Biomimetic Spiking Neural Network for closed-loop systems 9:50 pm Gaëlle Offranc Piret (Clinatec-Lab U1205, Grenoble, France) Nanostructured diamond microelectrode arrays for neural interfacing 10:10 pm Cécile Delacour (Institut Néel, Grenoble, France) Graphene Transistors for Detection of Neuronal Activity
Thursday, January 7th, 2016
8:30-10:30 am - SESSION 2: Micro and macro neural stimulation
8:30 am Sliman Bensmaia (University of Chicago, USA) Biological and bionic hands: Natural neural coding and artificial perception 9:00 am Serge Picaud (The Vision Institute, Paris, France) MEA in Vision: from visual function to visual restoration 9:30 am Alexandre Fouchard (GIN, Grenoble, France) Towards in vivo peripheral nerve imaging using electrical impedance tomography 9:50 am Sandrine Maubert (CEA-Léti, Grenoble, France) Selective recording and stimulation in Vagus Nerve Stimulation applications 10:10 am Giulia Spampinato (The Vision Institute, Paris, France) Advanced Neural Circuit Analysis by Combining High-Resolution Optogenetic Stimulation, Two-Photon Imaging and Electrophysiology
10:30-11:30 am Coffee break (sponsored by ATLAS Neuroengineering) / Posters / Exhibits
11:30-12:20 pm - SESSION 3 (part 1): Brain-Computer Interfaces
11:30 am Beata Jarosiewicz (Brown University, Providence, USA) Toward a self-calibrating intracortical brain-computer interface for people with tetraplegia 12:00 pm Schaeffer Marie-Caroline (CEA-Léti Clinatec, Grenoble, France) Markovian Mixture of Experts for 3D wrist movement decoding from ECoG recordings
12:20-1:15 pm Lunch 1:15-4:30 pm Outdoor activities 4:30-5:00 pm Hot wine / Posters / Exhibits
5:00-6:10 pm - SESSION 3 (part 2): Brain-Computer Interfaces
5:00 pm Guillaume Charvet (Clinatec, Grenoble, France) Brain Driven Robotized Exoskeleton for Motor Deficit Compensation in Post-traumatic Tetraplegic Patients
5:30 pm Prückl Robert (g.Tec, Schiedelberg, Austria) Fingertip separation using High-Gamma Somatosensory Activity extracted from ECoG 5:50 pm Florent Bocquelet (Clinatec-Lab U1205, Grenoble, France) Real-time Articulatory Speech Synthesis for Brain-Computer Interfaces
6:10 pm Short presentations by exhibitors 6:45 pm General Assembly of the GdR 8:00 pm *Gala dinner* (sponsored by Blackrock Microsystems Europe)
9:30-11:00 pm - Ethics discussion in the dinner room animated by Donald Bruce (Edinethics, Edinburgh)
Friday, January 8th, 2016
8:30-10:30 am - SESSION 4: Multichannel data analysis and modeling
8:30 am Wilson Truccolo (Brown University, Providence, USA) From neuronal ensemble point process observations to collective dynamics in the brain 9:00 am Alain Destexhe (UNIC, Gif s/. Yvette, France) Estimation of excitatory and inhibitory contributions to local field potentials from Utah-array recordings in human and monkey 9:30 am Julie Lefort (ESPCI, Paris, France) Contribution of cerebellar PF-PC LTP to spatial map orientation 9:50 am Ilaria Colombi (IIT, Genova, Italy) Dissociated in vitro cultures recapitulated the main features of sleep in vivo 10:10 am Stéphane Deny (The Vision Institute, Paris, France) A flexible code: the retina dynamically reallocates its resources to code for complex motion
10:30-11:00 am Coffee break (sponsored by ATLAS Neuroengineering) / Posters / Exhibits
11:00-1:00 pm - SESSION 5: Dynamics of sensory and motor systems
11:00 am Jeanne Paz (UCSF, San Francisco, USA) Bi-directional role of the thalamus in controlling neocortical oscillations and brain rhythms 11:30 am Michel Le Van Quyen (ICM, Paris, France) (En-) Training intracerebral gamma oscillations in the human cortex 12:00 pm François David (CRNL, Lyon, France) Transient thalamic assemblies during absence seizures 12:20 pm Suliann Ben Hamed (ISC, Lyon, France) Live from the monkey's mind: tracking attention from prefrontal neurons predicts success or failure 12:40 pm Véronique Coizet (GIN, Grenoble, France) How sensory stimuli activate subthalamic neurones at short latency
1:00-1:15 pm Concluding remarks 1:15-2:45 pm Lunch 3:00 pm First bus departure to Grenoble
2:45-4:15 pm - DEMO SESSION: Software demonstrations by companies and labs (sponsored by g.Tec)
2:45 pm Prückl Robert (g.Tec, Schiedelberg, Austria) cortiQ- A system for Rapid Functional Mapping of the eloquent cortex using ECoG - a demonstration 3:15 pm Christophe Gardella (The Vision Institute, Paris, France) Spyking circus: A new software for fast, scalable spike sorting of large-scale extracellular recordings 3:45 pm Samuel Garcia (CRNL, Lyon, France) pyacq: A python framework for acquisition and monitoring experiment : the distributed way
4:15-5:00 pm Wrap-up 5:00 pm Second (and last) Bus departure to Grenoble |